
YieldLang is a meta-language for LLMs to process (produce and parse) structured info. View our publications for more information.

  • 🧠 Based on a coroutine generator and sampler architecture

  • 🤖 Stream-sends characters and parses the context above into a syntax tree

  • 🦾 Build formal grammars with classes, methods, and combinators


YieldLang supports python >= 3.10.

Installing with pip

YieldLang is available on PyPI. Just run:

pip install yieldlang

Installing from source

To install YieldLang from source, first clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/yieldlang/yieldlang.git
cd yieldlang

Then run:

pip install -e .

Simple Usage

Import the TextGenerator class and define a generator. The top method always serves as the entry point for the generator. You can treat the generator as an iterator and use a for loop to iterate over the generated text. For example:

from yieldlang import TextGenerator

class G(TextGenerator):
    def top(self):
        yield "Hello, World!"

for text in G():

Set another sampler for the generator (default is random sampling). For example, set the large language model sampler:

sampler = MyLLMSampler()

Use combinators (e.g., select, repeat, join, etc.) to define grammar rules in the TextGenerator. For example, for JSON values:

def value(self):
    yield select(

This is equivalent to the EBNF form:

value = object
      | array
      | string
      | number
      | boolean
      | null

Generate a sequence easily. For example:

def array(self):
    yield select(
        ('[', self.ws, ']'),
        ('[', self.elements, ']')

You can get the string just generated and add branches, loops, and other control structures to the generation rules. For example:

def diagram(self):
    match (yield self.diagram_type):
        case "flowchart":
            yield self.flowchart
        case "gannt":
            yield self.gannt

Use a loop statement in the generator. For example:

def repeat4(self, s):
    l: list[str] = []
    for _ in range(4):
        l.append((yield s))

Print the generated context tree (convertible to an abstract syntax tree):

def print_context_tree():
    ctx = yield from G()